Wang Lee Hom Profile
Name: Alexander Lee-Hom Wang
Birthday: 17th May 1976
Birthplace: Rochester, New York
Horoscope: Dragon
Zodiac: Taurus
Blood type: O type
Height: 180cm
Weight: 68kg
Education status: Graduated with honors from Williams College in Music and Asian Studies
Favorite Food: Japanese food
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Pet: Dog
Speak: English, Chinese, French
Wang Lee Hom Biography
Lee-Hom (Alexander) Wang was born in Rochester, New York on 17 May 1976. Three years later, he began to sing. Lee-Hom learnt to play the violin and the piano at a young age, and was involved in plays and musicals, including Kiss Me Kate, Briyadoor and Music Man, throughout his school career. He studied music at Williams College in Massachusetts and Berklee College of Music. Lee-Hom received a MA in Jazz Piano & Composition at Berklee College. He is active in all areas of musical production, including composing, producing, arranging pieces, writing lyrics, playing instrumental accompaniments, and directing his own music videos.
Lee-Hom comes from a high pedigree of academics; his father is a pediatrician, his brother is a doctor now residing in Chicago, his younger brother is a student at MIT, and most of his relatives are doctors. Like much of his family, Lee-Hom had considered pursuing a medical career. Having been high school valedictorian and receiving a perfect score on the SATs, he was accepted into Princeton and Yale. However, at the last minute Lee-Hom realized his true passion was for music. Amidst criticism from his family, Lee-Hom decided to attend Williams College to pursue his dream to become a musician. Although this decision was unconventional, Lee-Hom was willing to take this risk and his choice has proven to be a wise one.
By combining western music with classical Chinese instruments, Lee-Hom has given a unique twist to Chinese music. He has produced 11 Mandarin albums to date,and is a main songwriter and producer for Sony Music Taiwan. He also owns Homeboy Studios, which operates in both in Taiwan and Boston. On his tenth album Shangri-La, Lee-Hom incorporated the music of the minorities of China into a style he coined "chinked out".
Not much about Lee-Hom’s personal life is known, much to his credit. Unlike many of his Eastern and Western counterparts, Lee-Hom has kept his private life to himself and his dignity intact - he is a musician first and foremost. Lee-Hom is quoted as saying, “Rumors don’t bother me much now, although it’s still annoying at times because it isn’t true. I just don’t want to come out and make the news bigger. I do music and I want to focus all my energy on this and have no desire to use tabloids to promote myself. I don’t want to waste my energy holding press conferences to deny my relationship with certain people or to say that I am not gay because it’s just not in my interest.” It is this aspect of Lee-Hom’s character that many fans respect.
Gillian Chung Profile
Gillian Chung ProfileName: 鍾欣桐 / Chung Yan Tung (Zhong Xin Tong)
English name: Gillian Chung
Also known as: 阿嬌 / Ah Giu (Ah Jiao) / Ar Gill
Real name: 鍾嘉勵 / ...
5 years ago
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